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KnoWhy Scripture Filter
Mormon and Ammaron by James Fullmer
Mormon 3:1
KnoWhy #228
Lamanites sacrificing a woman by Jody Livingston
Mormon 4:14
KnoWhy #229
Gold Plates by Jerry Thompson
Mormon 5:14
KnoWhy #230
“The Hill Cumorah” by George Anderson, colorized by Katie Payne
Mormon 6:6
KnoWhy #489
Siege of the Stripling Sons by Brian Hailes
Mormon 6:14
KnoWhy #231
Mormon Bids Farewell to a Once Great Nation by Arnold Friberg
Mormon 6:17
KnoWhy #232
Ultimas paginas by Jorge Cocco
Mormon 8:1
KnoWhy #233
Photo by Catherine McMahon on Unsplash
Mormon 8:3
KnoWhy #393
Etruscan Gold Book, dating to 600 BC via
Mormon 8:16
KnoWhy #407
Alphabet by Book of Mormon Central
Mormon 9:27
KnoWhy #234
Aztec Calendar. Photo by Don Bayley.
Mormon 9:32–34
KnoWhy #583
Replica of the gold plates with reformed Egyptian characters via Church News
Mormon 9:32
KnoWhy #513
The Sacred Grove by Greg Olsen
Mormon 9:36
KnoWhy #281
Olmec Heads by Book of Mormon Central
Ether 1:18
KnoWhy #235
Adobe Stock Image
Ether 2:3
KnoWhy #236
I Knew Not, by Marcus Moore, submitted to the 2017 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.
Ether 3:15
KnoWhy #584
Mormon and Moroni with the Plates by Joseph Brickey
Ether 4:19
KnoWhy #239
The Brother of Jared Sees the Finger of the Lord by Arnold Friberg
Ether 6:3
KnoWhy #240
Image by Book of Mormon Central
Ether 6:9
KnoWhy #500
Photograph of Rebecca Swain Williams
Ether 6:19
KnoWhy #612
Compilation of paintings of the book of Ether by James Fullmer
Ether 7:9
KnoWhy #241
Adaptation of Tom Lovell Artwork
Ether 8:20
KnoWhy #242
Photo of an aztec double headed serpent, turqoise chest ornament by Geni
Ether 9:30
KnoWhy #243
Riplakish by Jody Livingston
Ether 10:6
KnoWhy #244
Guillaume Le Bloas via Adobe Stock
Ether 11:20–21
KnoWhy #245